The purpose of this policy is to provide consistent and clear procedures on how, when and why
games will be cancelled due to inclement weather conditions or poor field conditions, and how the Association members will be notified.
The staff will evaluate and determine the weather and field conditions. If no staff are present the Field Marshal on duty at the time of questioned matches will make the decision.
Evaluation Guidelines
Because the fall and spring soccer seasons may have extreme high and low temperatures the following competition guidelines have been established. Weather will be monitored on the website and Weather-Bug app.
Hot Weather Policy
SSA will enforce the following procedures based on conditions:
- Heat Index up to 89°: Normal Play. Regular hydration patterns
- Heat index of 90°- 95°: Mandatory water breaks every 20 minutes.
- Heat index of 96°-104°: Mandatory water breaks every 10 minutes.
- Heat index over 105°: All outside activity will be suspended
*Teams will be allowed to delay training until the Heat Index is below 105 degrees
Winter Weather Policy
If the projected temperature (including wind chill) is below 30 degrees Fahrenheit, the complex will be closed.
Severe Weather Policy
In the event of any weather warning for our area, all activities will be suspended. If any thunder or lightning is within a 10-mile radius of complex, all activities will be suspended. Coaches will instruct all players to seek shelter in covered facilities or in cars as appropriate and available. Activities may resume once 30 minutes have passed from the final lightning strike within the 10-mile radius.
Tournament Exemption: The above heat and cold weather policies may be suspended for tournament play at the discretion of the tournament director.
SSA staff is charged with informing all members using social media and/or TeamSnap Notification