We know the world of flag football can be a confusing one. We have put together a list of commonly asked questions that we hope you find helpful as you continue your journey with us this season.  

Q: Who Can Play?
A: Sunflower NFL Flag is open to Boys and Girls. Pre-K through 11th Grade.


Q: How are Individual Players Placed on Teams?A: This is a league designed to keep schoolmates and friends playing together.  Therefore, individuals are placed on teams determined by school, a buddy request, grade and age factors.  Our goal is for each elementary and middle school to have their own flag football teams. Teams are formed using a combination of the following criteria (listed in no specific order):
-School affiliation
-Current Grade/Age
-A Buddy Request
-Coach Request

Most teams will have 8-10 players.  If there are more than 12 players registered in the same grade/age division at the same school, those players will be divided into multiple "School" teams and then the remaining spots could be filled with players from other schools.


Q: What are the Grade Divisions?
A: Pre-K thru 11th Grade.


Q: If my child and his/her classmates do not have enough players to form a team?
A: No worries! We will always try to keep classmates together but if needed we will combine players from other schools to form your team for the season.


Q: How are the divisions determined?
A: All divisions are determined by final registration numbers. Divisions will be paired with another age group either above or below your players age group, if not enough players in the age division to support individual divisions.


Q: How many teams can one school have?
A: It depends.  We will not turn any players away.  As many teams that can be formed from each school by grade/age division will be accepted. Everyone who wants to play is welcome.


Q: How many players are on a team?
A: Most teams have approximately 10 players.  However, we do reserve the right to stretch these guidelines if the league deems necessary.


Q: Does the league supply uniforms?
A: Every Flag Football player in our program receives a Chiefs NFL Flag reversible team jersey, and a flag belt to keep with your registration.


Q: Who are the coaches?
A: Parent volunteers. Sunflower NFL Flag does not provide coaches. Once teams are assembled, parents will be recruited to coach their team.  No experience is necessary! We provide all coaches with MOJO, a world-class app to help coaches plan fun, effective, expert-backed NFL Flag practices in seconds! MOJO makes it easier than ever for Parents that are interested in coaching, but don't have any experience.


Q: Who are the Officials and are they Qualified?
A: All of our referees undergo NFL Flag officials training followed by Sunflower Flag on-field training. We know the importance of a good referee, and place a large amount of attention and resources to ensure a good experience for all!


Q: How much playing time can my child expect?
A: All of our programs promote participation, fun, and fundamentals. Coaches are required to fairly allocate playing time equally among all players on the team. We will do our best to assure all players receive equal playing time.


Q: When will the schedule be released?
A: We send out the schedules once final rosters have been sent out, and update schedules onto the TeamSnap app for convenience.


Q: How many Games?
A: 6 league games plus playoffs. (7 games guaranteed)


Q: What are the playoffs?
A:  The top 4 teams in each division will participate in playoffs the last week of the season.  The top 2 teams will then play an additional game the same day for the Championship.


Q: What types of awards are given?
A: 1st place teams receive a  Championship ring! 2nd place teams receive a medal.


Q: Do all flag football players need mouth pieces?
A: It is absolutely mandatory that all players are wearing a mouth piece before stepping on the field.


Q:What type of shoes are needed?
A: We highly recommend wearing cleats if possible or sneakers if not. Any type of cleat will work, the only exception not allowed is cleats with METAL spikes (baseball).